Contact lens different throw type introduction

Many friends buy contact lenses in the choice of throwing more hesitant, but in fact from the process, material and other aspects, the difference between the various types of throwing before or more obvious. Today, author to introduce the different types of contact lenses.


Contact lenses can be broadly divided into long and short cycles. Among them, the long cycle including annual selling, half-year selling, belongs to the more traditional type of abandonment, but also has been in the market accounted for more types. Short cycle lenses are also known as discard lenses, including day throw, month throw, season throw and other types, compared with long cycle lenses, these are gradually selling new discard type. Meanwhile, due to the development of silicone hydrogel materials, the oxygen permeability and safety of short-period lenses have been greatly improved, and they are more popular among young people because of their convenience.

Long period lenses have better quality, better formability, and are also very advantageous in price. They are suitable for people with dry eyes easily to choose, and there are also many novices who are not skilled in operation. However, the oxygen permeability of long-life lenses is largely limited by the amount of water they contain, and long life cycles also mean the accumulation of sediment, so lens care must be maintained.


The short cycle discard lens is much more convenient to use, especially the day throw, that is to pick and throw the characteristics of very easy to carry. The water content of short-period lenses is very high, up to 60%, so it is the first choice for safety and health. However, due to the relatively high price, and the relatively soft and thin lenses, most novice wearers will be unable to put on and remove the awkward situation.

In short, choose to throw a look at the eye demand, two look at the consumption level, three look at the eye data, choose their own contact lenses can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.