Features of traditional contact lenses

Classified according to the use cycle, we call long-period contact lenses such as annual throwing and half-year throwing traditional contact lenses. Today, let's take a look at the characteristics of traditional contact lenses.


Traditional contact lenses are initially designed to focus on durability, so the lens has a good degree of molding and toughness, so that under frequent care and rubbing, the lens is still not easy to deform and break. At the same time, the water content of traditional contact lenses is mostly between 38% and 40%, which is to reduce protein precipitation, but also to effectively slow down water evaporation and avoid lens drying.

Many studies have shown that the eye complications caused by contact lenses are closely related to lens sediment, and the wearer must clean the lens in time and replace the lens when necessary, in order to reduce the accumulation of lens sediment, improve lens clarity, and ensure eye safety. The use cycle of traditional contact lenses is long, and protein precipitation is usually difficult to avoid, so the wearer should pay great attention to the care and cleaning of the lens to ensure the life of the lens.


Traditional contact lenses require a solution. After the newly bought lens is unsealed, it is necessary to clean it briefly with the care solution first, and then soak it in the double box for more than 6 hours before wearing it. When you don't wear glasses, always soak your contact lenses in a solution to isolate bacteria and viruses. If you do not wear it for a long time, the care solution soaked in the lens should also be replaced every 2 days to avoid failure of the care solution.

Of course, the use of traditional contact lenses is only the longest use date, if often worn, or there is a precipitate can not be removed, can be replaced in advance.