How to take off contact lenses?

For novice wearers, it is difficult to remove the glasses. Contact lenses are too thin and too much force can crush the lenses or even scratch the eyeballs. Today, I will teach you how to remove contact lenses correctly. When it's time to remove your contact lenses, clean and wipe your hands thoroughly. Keeping your fingers dry can increase friction. Next, use two fingers to press and pull open the eyelids, taking care that the pulp of the fingers should be pressed against the roots of the eyelashes and pulled together with the eyelashes. If your eyes are sensitive and you can't control your blinking, you can look up slightly, then hold the edge of the lens with your other hand and gently press the lens to arch the lens so that the contact lens can be easily removed. There is also a method of removing the lens, which can remove the contact lens without direct contact. At this time, the eyes need to look in the direction of the inner corner of the eye, press the upper and lower eyelids with fingers to completely open and squeeze, and use the eyelids instead of fingers to press the edge of the lens to make the lens fall off. When taking off the lens, focus on being steady. In order to prevent the lens from falling on the ground and contaminating bacteria and dust, it is recommended that you try to operate it on the table, or you can put a paper towel on it. Once the lens is accidentally dropped, be sure to carefully clean it with a care solution, and then soak it in a double box. If your eyes are dry, the lenses may be clinging to your eyeballs, making it difficult to remove them smoothly. You can put a few drops of eye lotion in your eyes to restore moisture to your eyes, and then try to remove the lenses. When taking the lens, in order to avoid damage to the cornea and lens, it is necessary to cut the nails as short as possible. Improper operation of removing the lens can easily cause corneal damage. If you suspect that the eyes are red, swollen and inflamed, you should not use eye drops without permission. You must consult a professional ophthalmologist as soon as possible to avoid delaying treatment.