What should I do if I get dizzy when I wear contact lenses for the first time?

Under normal circumstances, it is easy to experience various reactions such as dizziness, nausea, dryness, and foreign body sensation when wearing contact lenses for the first time. The reasons for these uncomfortable symptoms are also different. Today, the editor will introduce to you in detail the causes and solutions of dizziness after wearing contact lenses for the first time.


First of all, most of the causes of dizziness are inappropriate degrees, or astigmatism is ignored. Although the vision of adults is basically stable, electronic products are used more frequently in modern society, so it is best to go to the hospital for re-optometry before wearing glasses, so as to avoid dizziness and nausea caused by inappropriate degrees. In addition, myopia and hyperopia are often accompanied by symptoms of astigmatism. If the degree of astigmatism exceeds 75 degrees, it cannot be simply ignored when fitting glasses, but astigmatic contact lenses should be selected.

Second, it generally takes a while to get used to wearing contact lenses for the first time. When you first start wearing contact lenses, you often have to go through a period of adaptation. You may experience discomfort such as foreign body sensation, dizziness, and dryness in the first 3-5 days. This is a relatively normal phenomenon. As long as you gradually increase the wearing time gradually, you can adapt quickly.


Finally, when the parameters of the contact lenses are not suitable, dizziness can also be caused. When the base arc of the lens does not match the base arc of the eyeball, if the base arc of the lens is too large, it will cause the sliding plate or even fall off, and if the base arc of the lens is too small, it will hinder the corneal respiration and cause the intraocular pressure to rise. The editor recommends that you receive a professional inspection before wearing glasses, and choose the appropriate lens according to the parameters of the eyeball.

All in all, whenever you feel dizzy, you should actively check the cause and solve the problem in time. If you can't solve it on your own, you must seek medical advice as soon as possible.