Why is it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses?

The eye is a very sensitive and fragile organ, and the cornea is an especially vulnerable tissue. Contact lenses that need to be in close contact with the cornea from time to time during use are a kind of foreign body to the eyes. Although the discomfort of wearing has been reduced as much as possible through the innovation of materials and technology, there will still be discomfort. What is the cause?


If you are wearing contact lenses for the first time, it usually takes a few days to adapt. It is normal for first-time wearers to experience different degrees of foreign body sensation in the first 2-3 days of use. In addition, the first wearing of contact lenses may also scratch the lenses or cornea due to improper removal and wearing operations, which can also cause discomfort.

Wearing contact lenses can cause discomfort when the eyes are dry and dehydrated. People's lacrimal glands have different functions. Some people have less tear secretion. Wearing contact lenses with high water content is easy to feel uncomfortable due to lack of water. At the same time, wearing them for too long will also cause dry eyes.


Inadequate cleaning of contact lenses may also affect wearing comfort. During the wearing process, the contact lens continuously absorbs the sediment, and if the sediment cannot be removed well during nursing, it will increase the friction between the contact lens and the cornea.

When choosing contact lenses, many people don't pay much attention to whether the base arc is suitable. Although most people are in the average base arc range, there are indeed a small number of people whose eyeball base arc is too large or too small, resulting in a mismatch between the tightness of the contact lens and the eyeball, and may cause corneal cells due to repeated friction of the cornea when wearing. damage, corneal ulcers, etc.

Of course, there are many reasons for discomfort. If the above problems are ruled out, it is recommended that you still consult a professional optometrist or doctor.