Common sense of wearing contact lenses

Wearing contact lenses looks simple, but in fact there are many misunderstandings, and a little carelessness may cause eye problems. Today, the editor will give you some common knowledge about wearing contact lenses. First, it is strictly forbidden to wear contact lenses to sleep. Soft contact lenses should never be worn overnight, because the oxygen supply to the cornea is greatly reduced after closing the eyes, and contact lenses will aggravate the degree of corneal hypoxia, resulting in increased secretions and corneal swelling and thickening. The hard contact lenses that can be worn at night are generally worn while sleeping and taken off after getting up to maintain the corrective effect throughout the day. Second, wearing contact lenses must follow their life cycle. Once opened, contact lenses must be discarded at their expiration date, regardless of how many times they are worn. Contact lenses that have passed the shelf life may become fragile and difficult to clean due to the aging of the material, even if they appear to be unchanged on the surface, and the antibacterial ability of the lens itself is greatly reduced. Third, when selecting parameters, the higher the water content, the better, but the oxygen permeability must be the highest. High water content can improve oxygen permeability, but at the same time, it will also accelerate the evaporation of water, causing dryness and other problems. However, the oxygen permeability is not only determined by water, but also related to the material of the lens. The higher the oxygen permeability, the better the corneal respiration. Fourth, use the care solution correctly. Nowadays, various types of care solutions are emerging in an endless stream. You can't blindly rely on the no-rubbing care solution. If you want to clean the protein deposits more thoroughly, you still have to rely on finger rubbing. At the same time, pay attention not to use other liquids to replace the care solution, otherwise it will not only easily damage the lens, but also may breed bacteria, which is not conducive to eye care. Contact lenses are in direct contact with the cornea. Improper use can easily cause damage and disease. You must study and understand how to use it.